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23rd Jun 2021
The average used car financed by Startline is now both noticeably older and more expensive than at the start of the pandemic, according to new statistics released by the company.
21st Jun 2021
People living with their parents have shown the largest fall in propensity to buy a used car over the pandemic period – while homeowners and tenants have both become more likely to be in the market.
8th Jun 2021
A market-leading wellbeing app has been adopted by Startline Motor Finance as the company’s workforce continues to work almost entirely from home.
13th Apr 2021
A 50% year-on-year increase in turnover has been recorded by Startline Motor Finance in the first quarter of this year.
8th Apr 2021
Customer expectations about the processes for buying cars online have changed noticeably during the 12 months of the pandemic, Startline Motor Finance is reporting.
10th Mar 2021
Signs of a degree of post-lockdown, pent-up used car demand are now beginning to become apparent, Startline Motor Finance is reporting.